What to do if your system admin leaves Workplace

Your Workplace needs at least 1 system admin. There is no maximum limit to the number of system admins you can have.
If your system admin leaves Workplace, there are 3 things you can do.
Contact support
Contact support to let us know that you need a new admin.
You’ll be asked to verify the domain belonging to your Workplace to ensure the request is valid. If you can verify the domain by altering the DNS or replying with a token that we send to admin@yourdomain, we will promote you to system admin.
If you’re not sure who has access to prove ownership of your domain, contact your IT department.
Reclaim the admin’s email address
If your organization has control of the email address associated with the previous system admin’s account, then you can use that to reset login and password for the system admin and select a new system admin.
Create a new Workplace
You can create a new Workplace for your organization.
Note: If you don’t have a system admin for your old Workplace, you can’t delete it once you have created a new one. If you want to download your data from your old Workplace, you can only do so if the feature was enabled by the previous admin.

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